samedi 8 novembre 2014

Essential Tips To Enhance Sleeping During The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy

Enhance Sleeping During Pregnancy

It is believed that the first trimester of pregnancy is often the toughest period, especially if it is a first pregnancy. Your body experiences a whirlwind to adjust to hormonal and physical changes of pregnancy. You may find yourself rushing to the washroom frequently, craving unusual foods all of a sudden and also feeling the urge to puke at the strangest of times.
Well, if you are a mom-to-be, you may have successfully handled all symptoms a first trimester holds. Now everything that you do will have an impact on your baby. The food that you eat, the way you sleep, your physical activities, your mental attitude and other things you didn’t care about until now. Still concerns about finding the correct sleeping position during pregnancy second trimester are there. Let us help you sail through this.

Dealing With Sleep Problems:

While your second trimester may be the honeymoon phase of pregnancy, you’re bound to have a few minor sleep issues. Commonly, you may find issues like congestion, snoring, sleep apnea, vivid dreams, cramps and restless leg syndrome. If you’re facing any of these, it’s best to consult your doctor and seek advice.

Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy Second Trimester:

It is often advised that pregnant women should avoid sleeping on their back or their front during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. Sleeping on the front tends to block the supply of blood and nutrients to the baby, and sleeping on the back could make you feel nauseous and more likely to be affected by morning sickness. Sleeping on the sides, in general, is the best during all the trimesters of pregnancy.

Sleeping Better:

While it’s very rare that you may experience sleep problems during the second trimester, here are some tips to help you sleep better at this time.

1. Regular Bedtime:

Maintain a regular sleep time this in turn will help you sleep well. Schedule your daily routine accordingly.

2. Avoid Watching TV Right Before Sleep:

Studies have found that such habits tend to interfere with sleep schedules and make you more likely to be affected by sleeping problems, especially insomnia.

3. Relax Before Sleeping:

Best way to handle this is to try relaxation techniques before sleeping.Listen to soothing music or have a warm bath. This will help your body get into a calm state and help you sleep.

4. Avoid Spicy Foods:

Eating spicy foods every day will increase your risk of being affected by heartburn. This may lead to sleepless nights.

5. Consume Light Dinner:

It is always better to have a light and healthy dinner, minus fried or fatty foods. Overeating is a strict no-no during all stages of pregnancy.

6. Lie Down On A Clean Bed:

Studies have revealed how sleeping on clean surroundings and surfaces can improve the quality of sleep and makes it easier to doze off. So ensure your bed is made as per your comfort everyday for you to relax and enjoy a good sleep.

How Exercise Can Help?

Yes, it’s true! Exercise can actually help you sleep better. If you haven’t been exercising already, now’s the time to start with out. Exercising is believed to boost both physical and mental health, which helps you get a good night’s sleep. But do exercise in the morning or evening, not just before you go to bed!
Also make sure you avoid drinking caffeinated beverages right before you sleep as this can get you all energetic and leave you feeling active and restless – not an ideal combination for shut-eye time! Getting yourself enrolled for a pregnancy exercise class is a good idea; a professional trainer will help you exercise in a way that benefits both you and your baby. Hope this article has given you a valuable information on how to sleep during pregnancy second trimester.
Share your sleeping positions during pregnancy second trimester ideas with us in the comment section given below:

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