samedi 8 novembre 2014

It Safe To Rebond Your Hair During Pregnancy?

is it safe to rebond your hair during pregnancy

Rebonding your hair to make it look straight and sleek is in vogue now a days. In spite of being expensive and a permanent hair treatment, re-bonding gives your hair a makeover in just a day. But you need to take special care if you decide to have this procedure done while expecting.

Is It Safe To Do Hair Rebonding During Pregnancy?

Each type of hair is considered to have a natural bond, such as, some are curly whereas some are wavy which gives the hair its physical quality. Re-bonding breaks your hair structure with the use of cream softeners or relaxant. Then a neutralizer is used which bonds the structure again making your hair look straight.
In simple words, re-bonding treatment modifies your natural hair structure and restructures it. Is it safe to have this chemical hair treatment done when you are carrying? The following pros and cons might be helpful.


Hair treatments are not completely dangerous. Health experts recommend, any chemical treatment during pregnancy must be administered with proper guidance and care.
  • Yes, it is true that any chemical used for hair re-bonding is absorbed by your body through her skin. Your scalp absorbs a minimal amount and this minimal amount does not create a problem for your baby. Though the fixation solutions may irritate your scalp, but it will not affect the other areas of your body.
  • According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG), hair dyes are probably safe to use during pregnancy because very small amount of dye is absorbed through the skin. However, it is still important to be cautious; therefore, many health care providers recommend that you may not use permanent hair dyes during the second trimester.
  • Permanent hair dyes include ammonia, that has a strong chemical fume, which can be harmful for your growing baby. Hence, it is recommended to avoid the use of any hair treatment with ammonia.

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